Community Programs

We work to address mental health taboos within African and other Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities.

We provide assistance and support to individuals through primary mental health intervention and intensive support programs and
by counselling clients’ families. Involvement in these programs enables individuals to better integrate into Australian society.

Black Rhinos Sports

Black Rhinos Sports: The Black Rhinos Sports Family stands as a testament to the transformative power of sport in fostering positive change within our community. Through dynamic basketball and soccer leagues, we not only nurture athletic talent but also instil invaluable life skills such as teamwork, discipline, and resilience. Our programs serve as catalysts for crime prevention and community engagement, empowering African youth to reach new heights of achievement both on and off the field.

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UBUNTU Senior Ambassadors/UBUNTU Mamas (Aged 41 and above):

At the heart of our mission lies the empowerment of African women through the UBUNTU Senior Ambassadors and UBUNTU Mamas initiatives. Since its inception, this program has been a catalyst for profound transformation, uplifting over 350 women into positions of strength and self-sufficiency.

Through a multifaceted approach that includes employment support, access to essential services, and community engagement, we celebrate the resilience and wisdom of our community elders. Our Community Days serve as vibrant celebrations of culture and empowerment, where traditional foods are shared, and support networks flourish.

The women engage with Community Gardening, Health and Wellbeing Sessions and Family Support Sessions, and are assisted with case management services, employment services, housing support, culturally responsive counselling.

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Mental Health and AOD programs

AAC runs Mental Health Workshops in partnership with the Victorian Department of Health to raise awareness of Mental Health Support and break down taboos and stigma around it within the African Australian Community. 

Afri-Connect Local Drug Action Team

Afri-Aus Care partners with the Alcohol and Drug Foundation to run Local Drug Action Team (LDAT) workshops to provide information to the community about the dangers of Alcohol and Drug use and its effects on Physical and Mental Health. 
Find below our Lived Experience Series developed in partnership with the Alcohol and Drug Foundation

Employment Readiness Programs

Afri-Aus Care’s Employment Team works with vulnerable job seekers to address barriers such as resume building, English Language lessons and Pre-interview prep and linking them to potential employers. 
Find below

UBUNTU Junior Ambassadors (Ages 4 – 17)

Our pioneering initiative, the UBUNTU Junior Ambassadors Project, engages with African-Australian and CALD children, providing them with holistic support to thrive academically, socially, and culturally. Through dynamic Homework Clubs and Sporting endeavours, we not only bolster educational achievement but also instil a deep sense of pride in cultural heritage. By engaging in intergenerational activities like traditional cooking and gardening, we foster bonds that transcend generations, creating resilient communities poised for success.

UBUNTU Youth Ambassadors (Ages 18 – 40)

The UBUNTU Youth Ambassadors Project represents a transformative pathway for African Australian youth, empowering them to realise their full potential in an ever-evolving society.

By offering tailored support in employment, Mental Health Supports, AOD supports, Court supports, tertiary education, and volunteering opportunities, we pave the way for their professional and personal growth. Our culturally responsive counselling services, dynamic sports programs, and engaging workshops not only equip them with vital life skills but also cultivate a strong sense of identity and belonging within the broader community.

UBUNTU Diversion Program

The UBUNTU Diversion Program serves as a guiding light for young individuals engaged in the justice system, offering a lifeline of support and rehabilitation. By addressing the root causes of recidivism with compassion and understanding, we break the cycle of incarceration and pave the way for meaningful reintegration into society. From youth justice precincts to community settings, our dedicated team provides unwavering support, guiding young people towards a future filled with opportunity and purpose.

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